Under the Sink Storage

In this step-by-step tutorial, I’m showing you how to organize the space underneath your kitchen sink (or any sink) so that it is easy to clean the kitchen and quick to put away your supplies.

  1. Remove everything underneath the sink.

  2. Lay down a cabinet liner.

  3. Add a small pull-out cabinet drawer.

  4. Add a large drawer for cleaning products.

  5. Free Printable

  6. Video Tutorial

the before

  1. Remove everything underneath the sink.

organize under kitchen sink home with marika interior design

2. Measure the space and lay down a cabinet liner.

I bought a large roll of white cabinet liner from Walmart for $10.

I used a white liner to make the space feel clean and fresh.

The cleaning products already have lots of colors of them so I wanted the liner to be a solid neutral color.

Under the sink organization storage modern farmhouse kitchen home with marika interior design studio

3. Buy a small pull-out cabinet drawer.

I bought this small pull-out drawer organizer for $26 at The Container Store.

On the top drawer, I organized all of the dish sponges, water bottle sponges, and veggie brushes.

On the bottom drawer, I rolled up cleaning cloths and microfiber cloths. I love using these for any spills or when I wipe down the counters with a cleaning product.

*I also have some reusable dish sponges that I found at Bed Bath & Beyond that I love using when I don’t want to risk scratching something fragile like a special wine glass.

**This organizer gives you the option to screw it into the cabinet for more security but none of my items are heavy enough to need that feature. I just laid the drawer organizer on top of the liner and it doesn’t move when I open it.

elfa pull out drawer with dish sponges
microfiber cleaning cloths

4. Buy a large drawer for cleaning products.

This large pull-out drawer I bought from the Container Store for $40.

It was a little bit more expensive than I wanted to spend but a drawer really helps you easily access cleaning products in the back.

Before, I would have to squat to the ground to try to reach what was in the back.

Now, I just pull out the drawer and I can easily reach everything that I need.

organized dish soap, hand soap, clorox, stove cleaner, dishwasher detergent

the after

free printable

video tutorial


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